Grizzly | 35,000 SF PEMB | Waller, TX

5.28.20 - Crewmen have completed the office siding, installation, and trim,

20200528 212410365 iOS

20200528 212449662 iOS

20200528 212521859 iOS

20200528 211646779 iOS

4.21.20 - The walls and roof are completely sheeted,

4.21 grizzly3

4.21 grizzly

4.21 grizzly2

4.21 grizzly5


4.13.20 - Crews continue to sheet the facility,

20200413 140858720 iOS

20200413 140539370 iOS


3.30.20 - Crews continue to hang steel,

20200330 152427116 iOS

3.25.20 - Crews are unloading the steel,

20200325 132752869 iOS 1